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Welcome to this survey on measures of continious quality enhancement of teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions

This survey is an integral component of the EU-funded project PROFFORMANCE: 

The project Assessment Tool and Incentives for Developing Higher Education Teachers’ Performance (PROFFORMANCE; KA3‐EHEA‐2019, Proposal number: 899136) aims to support quality enhancement of Teaching and Learning at HEIs in EHEA. The consortium plans to elaborate a set of criteria and an assessment tool of teachers’ performance as well as recommendations on incentive systems for teachers’ development. Best practices of innovative teaching will be collected and disseminated through an award for teachers and an online database.

The intention of this survey is to learn about the institutional approaches to the enhancement and support of teaching and learning, the institutional approach to the quality of teaching and learning, as well as assessment systems and staff development and teacher training activities. The survey aims to search for good examples, good practice and lessons to be learned

Who should fill in this questionnaire?

This survey is sent out to HEIs in various countries taking part in PROFFORMANCE. We would ideally like to receive one response from each institution and would kindly ask respondents to coordinate internally who will be responsible for this. The person answering should be someone involved in the management or quality assurance of teaching and learning. This could be a responsible vice rector, a dean or vice dean for teaching, the lead of a teaching support centre, lead of staff development unit, lead of quality management or the like.

Estimated time to complete this questionnaire 

If you'd will in the whole questionnaire this would quite some time. But there is no requirement to provide answers to all questions in this survey! Please provide detailed descriptions, links or files where you believe you see good practice or want to share lessons learned. 

Why should you (or someone from your institution) take the time to fill in this questionnaire?

  • This survey is an opportunity to contribute to the improvement of quality of teaching and learning in the EHEA.

  • Hence, this questionnaire is an opportunity to showcase good practice from your institution. 

  • The results of this survey will be published in open access and thus be available for a wide audience.

An important note in relation to the current Corona situation

This questionnaire's main focus is NOT on how HEIs acted during the Corona lockdown. The focus is on fundamental approaches and organisational structures; but at certain points we will ask for specific (longterm) consequences that have arisen as a result of Corona-related conditions.

[Temporarely internal note:
- The text colors above seem to be standard of the used LimeSurvey theme; 
- The text below this line is a LimeSurvey-standard and can AFAIK not be deleted. .]

This survey is anonymous.

The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.

If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.